Discussion board post writing

Discussion Board Post Format

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Discussion board post writing
Discussion board post format (Photo by RetroSupply on Unsplash)

Why is the discussion board post format so simple? What are important aspects you should consider to avoid mistakes? Learn discussion board expectations of simple and unique writing.

1. Determine the Purpose of Discussion Board Post Writing

The discussion board post format is especially widely used in nursing, management, marketing, history, psychology, etc. The purpose is to go straight to the point and analyze, reflect, or give ideas without general info. Usually, the word count is from 250 to 1000 words, but actually not more.

In other words, its purpose is to check your understanding and knowledge of the topic, course concepts, or theories. Thus, make your post as concise as possible.

Note, discussion board posts may require your reactions to responses by peers. Therefore, they present online discussions of topics similar to live seminars, forums, or classroom interaction.

Generally, a discussion board is a virtual forum for exchanging knowledge, ideas, analysis etc.

2. Use Simple Outline

Discussion board posts differ from other types of academic papers in their simple outline:

  • The absence of formal introduction,
  • No thesis statement,
  • The absence of formal conclusion,
  • A direct answer to the discussion question,
  • Support with evidence from reliable sources,
  • The use of first-person singular pronouns only if personal reflection and experience are needed,
  • Formal tone and style of writing,
  • Introductory and concluding sentences for paragraphs,
  • Showing respect in responses to peers.

Although an introduction and conclusion are not necessary, but a discussion board post should start with an introductory sentence and end with a concluding one.

3. Write Strictly to the Point When Posting

Remember that the most important task is to present your knowledge of the topic within the defined word limit. Therefore, it requires expressing ideas directly. No “lyrical digressions” are what you need.

For example, when you are asked to discuss treatment options for a specific disease in nursing, do not describe the disorder itself, but start writing directly on the treatment methods. Right in the first sentence, present these by enumerating. Then discuss each option with support, using in-text citations.

Use first-person singular pronouns only if you are to give your personal opinion and experience.

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