Common Issues in Academic Writing

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Common Writing Issues
Common Writing Issues

Writers often face common issues in academic writing. They are not noticable but turn the style into informal rather than academic. It particularly concerns verb choices, linking words, and redundant phrases.


Substitute phrasal verbs:

  • Conduct, do, or perform instead of carry out,
  • Exclude instead of rule out.

It is better to use active voice instead of passive. For example,

Further research can be done on…can be substituted by It is possible to do further research on… or There is a possibility to do further research on.. There is a room for investigating this topic…

Linking Words and Phrases

Do not start a sentence with and, but, or also ; instead, use linking words and phrases:

  • furthermore, moreover, in addition, in line with this, in this regard, in relation to this (for and or also);
  • however, on the contrary, on the one hand + on the other hand, nevertheless, nonetheless, though (althought)… but (for but);
  • in conclusion, as a result, therefore, thus, hence, in summary, overall, consequently, generally (instead of to sum up or so to conclude or summarize results).

To demonstrate the sequence of ideas or events, use first, second or firstly, secondly; if there are three points to explain, use the first point… another point… and the other.

With the aim of giving an example, use for example, for instance, as an example.

Comparing, use similar to, similarly, likewise, compared to/with, just like, just as.

To explain ideas in detail, use particularly, in particular, in other words, especially, namely, indeed, obviously.

For putting emphasis on some points, use undoubtedly, admittedly, without doubt, in fact, importantly.

Redundant Phrases

Sometimes, writers use redundant phrases or words, which can be omitted or paraphrazed to improve the flow of thought:

  • while at the same time should be while only without at the same time;
  • due to the fact can be substituted by because;
  • in so doing, over and above – overall;
  • every year – annually;
  • on a daily basis – daily;
  • as well as – and (as well as can be used in case of enumeration of phrases with and, but if two points are mentioned, it sounds awkward, for example, health and wellness instead of health as well as wellness);
  • in as much as – since;
  • as far as it is concerned – considering that;
  • there is no doubt that – undoubtedly.
  • In conclusion, to avoid common issues in academic writing, it is advisable to stick to the point, express ideas omitting unnecessary words, and mind verb choices typical of the academic style.


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