Online Story Line: What If Blog

Online Story Line: A Year-Long Collaborative Fiction Challenge

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Online Story Line: What-If Blog Format
Online Story Line: What If… (Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash)

This piece of writing will be rather in the format of a blog post, not an e-essay. So let’s develop collaborative fiction and an online story line. It will be a year-long challenge or game. All you need is just to continue a story with just 1 sentence.

Explanation: A Game or Collaborative Fiction Challenge

First of all, collaborative fiction means team writing. Thus, let’s make a global team and develop a collaborative story online with several threads of the story and characters you wish to introduce.

In other words, this challenge is like a game. Everyone can play it. There are many reasons why people play games. One of such may be because we like to imagine ourselves in other roles. Thus, this game allows developing writing skills, imagination, new blog format, no external factors (like in most games), but a free flow of fantasy. It is just because you have choice and control over story characters and story events.

Typically, we do not live based on a certain scenario. So, this story has no scenario too. Contribute with unexpected twists of events.

Guidelines: How to Contribute to This Online Story Line

  • Read a short scene description below;
  • Think of the way it can be developed, or just write what comes to your mind first;
  • Add 1 sentence or idea to continue the story line in COMMENTS;
  • Everyone can post a sentence, but no spam or ads;
  • You can contribute a sentence any time you wish, but it should continue the story line;
  • You can introduce new characters and setting, moral lessons, or jokes;
  • This story will live only at EEssays and will not be published anywhere;
  • Similarly, you cannot publish it too;
  • The main character is John, but you can add others.

So let’s create our global story in the what-if format.

Lost Opportunities vs. Lost Things: What If…

The heading above is the title and general message of the story.

Story Beginning

What if John knew what would happen to him… He was not sorry about things he had lost but about lost opportunities…

To Be Continued

Contribute 1 sentence in comments to continue this piece. So let’s see what will be with John in 365 days…

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