work productivity tips

Productivity Tips for Work: Top 10 Ways to Be More Productive

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work productivity tips
Work productivity tips (Photo by Mille Sanders on Unsplash)

It should be noted that productivity does not entirely depend on you. It is also influenced by external factors. These can be an attitude of the management and the work environment. However, there are several important things you can still control. They can boost your productivity significantly. You can even bring down external effects to a minimum. Thus, the following 10 productivity tips will help you cope with any task and become more productive.

Psychological Productivity Tips

1. Break the Monotony and Change Tasks

Monotonous work is the first issue you should overcome. According to Kumar et al. (2016), although this factor is not of top priority, but it is an important internal motivator.

Therefore, the researchers refer it to the motivation category.

In line with this, monotonous work can undermine your motivation and, finally, productivity. Importantly, to increase productivity, change tasks frequently. Furthermore, diversify your work or just rotate planned things.

2. Approach Work with a Can-Do Attitude or Positive Thinking

Stay Positive

Researchers point to a positive attitude on the part of the management as an external factor influencing productivity (Kumar et al., 2016). However, your own can-do approach matters more than extrinsic conditions. Thus, do work with positive thinking. As a result, you’ll see that you can shortly become more productive.

3. Make Breaks and Rest Smartly

First of all, considering psychological productivity tips, meaningful and positive communication during breaks is essential. It can make your mind relax or agree on further work aspects. As a result, make short breaks to restore energy. Gain motivation to work. Furthermore, do not rest surfing your phone. Your mind needs a “reset.”

4. Set SMART Work Goals and Be Realistic

Sometimes, being too demanding in relation to yourself may have adverse effects on productivity. Here, the reason is that it may eventually lead to emotional burnout.

When you set unrealistic goals or expect too much to be done and eventually fail, it leads to negative feelings. It discourages you to work. The result is lost productivity.

Therefore, always follow SMART goals:

  • specific (clearly formulated),
  • measurable (where you can measure results),
  • achievable (realistic),
  • relevant to your job (why you need to reach it),
  • time-limited (deadline).

Importantly, prioritize essential and secondary tasks.

5. Develop Accountability and Balance Your Work

Furthermore, after setting SMART goals and positive thinking, you should develop accountability. Particularly, you can be productive only if you combine all productivity tips above.

For example, if you are accountable, but follow unrealistic goals, you will work on their achievement, going the extra mile.

Thus, the result can be completed work. However, you may face tiredness, burnout, and no productivity. Therefore, find your balance.

Physical Productivity Tips

6. Drink Enough Water

You may wonder why water, not coffee. However, coffee can have only a temporary effect for several minutes. Thus, the more coffee cups you drink, the lower its effect. Only water can give you enough energy and, finally, can make you productive.

7. Get Enough Sleep

Importantly, enough sleep makes you regain energy. As a result, you can start your day with positive thinking and work productively.

8. Set Your Morning to Productivity

Organize your morning routine to gain enough energy and positive feelings and restart. Always have your breakfast. Meditate or do other morning activity to set your mind to positivity. Visualizing or drinking coffee may be such things, if you like them.

9. Move

Exercise in the morning regularly. Life is your constant movement. Thus, move and you will have energy to be productive.

10. Eat Healthy Food

In fact, there are many products that can increase your productivity. For example, these include avocado, nuts, dark chocolate, berries, fish, etc. They can give you enough energy, stimulate brain activity, and just keep you healthy.

Share what makes you productive.


Kumar, S., Duhan, M., & Haleem, A. (2016). Evaluation of factors important to enhance productivity. Cogent Engineering, 3(1).

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