What is time blocking

What Is Time Blocking: Time Blocks and Work Schedule

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What is time blocking
What is time blocking (Photo by Analia Baggiano on Unsplash)

Have you ever thought how much time an average person spends working throughout one’s life? According to Gettysburg College (n.d.), this figure amounts to 90,000 hours. How much out of this time is spent on productive work? Of course, a person cannot be equally productive all day long at work. Therefore, to spend time meaningfully, you can set time blocks for your work schedule and learn what is time blocking and how to use it effectively.

This article has a free work schedule template, which can be easily printed. You can also create time batches with deadlines using notes.

1. What is a time-blocking technique

It is dividing your time into time blocks with specific deadlines for each task or activities of the same type. Instead of a disorganized work schedule, you can complete a meaningful daily plan to manage your time.

Furthermore, it is important to group similar tasks into one block to create the so-called time batches. Then, set deadlines for each group. If tasks of one type require an extended period to do them, they can be planned for one day. Such a subtype of time blocking is also known as day theming.

2. How to divide tasks into time blocks

One of the recommendations that comes first, when you are stuck in your work routine, is to create time blocks for work only. Do not actually block your rest or social activity plans, as these are sources of productivity, inspiration, and intrinsic motivation, among other factors. As such, a good work schedule can make you productive.

Work Schedule
Work Schedule and Time Batches

3. How time blocks work

It is important to emphasize that managing time using this technique is completely individual. However, learning how to apply it can create a fulfilling life, allowing a person to plan work and always meet deadlines. Moreover, it works without compromising other life activity types.

It helps to deliver on a plan within deadlines

One of the reasons why people fail to meet deadlines is procrastinating or working too long due to wanting to make every detail perfect. Sometimes, to achieve this may take a whole life, or quite a long time. So time blocks help to deliver work according to the set schedule, as it is, maybe with some points that will require further improvement. However, if you take them into account, it will be possible to do the next similar type of work better. It can be hardly said that perfectionism or impeccable character do good, as it is something tha can make a person to run to extremes.

“Always try to do your best, but remember that there is always a fine line.”


Balance is top priority

If you set realistic time limits to deliver work, there is actually time for other activities. Thus, the main outcome achieved is a work-life balance. The reason is that a work schedule with time blocks, time batches, or time boxes (deadlines) directly affects the realization of set goals and respective objectives.

Why everyone can use this technique

Some may argue that, sometimes, it is impossible to predict or plan the day, depending on some types of work. However, it is possible to create blocks only for part of activities of top priority. As a result, it will help to discard unimportant tasks and focus on important batches.

4. Why adaptability matters

One of the recommendations is to be always flexible, meaning that if there are some unexpected changes to work schedule, it is important to adapt time blocks to these. Just leave the same deadlines for each block, but change their sequence.

5. How to create a checklist of completed tasks instead of a to-do list

There are many common ideas that it can be helpful to create a to-do list at the end of the day for tommorow. However, what can best work for you is to have a checklist of completed tasks daily. Just mark what you have managed to do after work, and you will get motivation to move further from this point. Instead, you plan your day before work or after completing a checklist.


Gettysburg College. (n.d.). One third of your life is spent at work. https://www.gettysburg.edu/news/stories?id=79db7b34-630c-4f49-ad32-4ab9ea48e72b&pageTitle=One+third+of+your+life+is+spent+at+work

5 responses to “What Is Time Blocking: Time Blocks and Work Schedule”

  1. I used to do time blocking every day but recently seem to be lacking the motivation. I really enjoyed reading this post and its inspired me to get back into time blocking my tasks.

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